Upcoming Events
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Shifting Practice: How to Better Support Grantee Leadership Transitions
Funders need to understand the challenges associated with BIPOC leadership transitions and develop better strategies to support organizations and new leaders. Join us at Exponent Philanthropy’s Annual Conference to learn why it's critical to embrace leadership transitions as a normal part of the organizational lifecycle and how you can support them as a regular part of our work.
Community of Practice for Funders: June 2024 Meeting
Space for funders to speak with peers about the joys and challenges of funding your nonprofit partners through leadership transitions, particularly those involving leaders of color.
This open space format will include a brief presentation and context setting and lots of time for peer-to-peer discussions, resource sharing, and support.
Trust-Based Funding for Healthy Nonprofit Leadership Transitions
A recent report sponsored by the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, Brilliant Transformations: Toward Full Flourishing in BIPOC Leadership Transitions, contains key recommendations for funders who are looking to lean into leadership transition work.
Join this values-driven and action-oriented session to learn from social sector professionals who are leaning into trust - and leaning into the change - with new strategies to support leaders who are leaving, leaders who are entering, and the board and staff who manage the change from old to new.
Funding BIPOC-led Organizations in Transition
NFG’s April Member Call will bring together some of its members (including Leading Forward!) who have been collaborating to address this issue and ensure that BIPOC-led organizations in a transition period are receiving the funding that they need. This action-oriented session about the practical strategies they’re using to support BIPOC leadership in the nonprofit sector and to learn more about their funder organizing efforts to call for a broader shift in grantmaker practices.