Resources from the Field

We have curated this collection of resources to support your work before, during, and after a leadership transition.
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Supporting Community Leadership Melissa Sines Supporting Community Leadership Melissa Sines

A Race to Lead Report: Nonprofit Executives of Color

The Building Movement Project has released Trading Glass Ceilings for Glass Cliffs: A Race to Lead Report on Nonprofit Executives of Color, which focuses on the experiences and challenges of nonprofit leaders of color who have attained the top position in their organizations. It builds upon the findings of the 2019 Race to Lead Revisited report, as well as a previous report on nonprofit executives from the 2016 Race to Lead survey data.

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Reimagine Leadership Melissa Sines Reimagine Leadership Melissa Sines

Structuring Leadership

For the past ten years the Building Movement Project has addressed leadership in the nonprofit sector by focusing on generational shifts, multigenerational leadership and new ways of leading. In each of these areas, the question we are most often asked by younger generations is whether we can provide them with new models of how to run/lead organizations that do not concentrate authority and responsibility in one top person. We believe these models exist but they are either unrecognized or embedded within traditional looking hierarchies. We also believe that highlighting different leadership structures will offer organizations examples for effective ways to operate that can increase impact.

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Build Capacity Melissa Sines Build Capacity Melissa Sines

Lessons and trends in nonprofit capacity strengthening

What does nonprofit capacity strengthening mean and why is it important? How has it evolved and what are emerging trends in the field?

As part of its Organizational Effectiveness (OE) strategy refresh, the Hewlett Foundation’s Effective Philanthropy Group set out to answer these questions and better understand the current field of nonprofit capacity strengthening.

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Supporting Community Leadership Melissa Sines Supporting Community Leadership Melissa Sines

What it Takes: Supporting New BIPOC Executives

A wave of nonprofit leadership transitions is upon us. The COVID-19 pandemic, a deep economic recession, and an era of racial reckoning are leading to a number of nonprofit leaders in a variety of fields and movements in the United States to step down. Their successors, many of them BIPOC and female, have the vision and new ideas to rejuvenate their organizations and constituencies, and to reach for social and racial equity in ways that were hard to imagine just a few years ago. As these new leaders step in, major funders have to step up to offer responsible financial and other support.

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Reimagine Leadership Melissa Sines Reimagine Leadership Melissa Sines

The Future of Nonprofit Leadership

A wave of nonprofit leadership transitions is upon us. The COVID-19 pandemic, a deep economic recession, and an era of racial reckoning are leading to a number of nonprofit leaders in a variety of fields and movements in the United States to step down. Their successors, many of them BIPOC and female, have the vision and new ideas to rejuvenate their organizations and constituencies, and to reach for social and racial equity in ways that were hard to imagine just a few years ago. As these new leaders step in, major funders have to step up to offer responsible financial and other support.

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Cultures of Belonging Melissa Sines Cultures of Belonging Melissa Sines

Othering & Belonging Institute

A key part of Ford's BUILD grants is the Organizational Mapping Tool (OMT), an open-source assessment tool to help nonprofits identify and prioritize where they need strengthening as organizations. The tool is designed to provide clear qualitative markers of development, creating an assessment of an organization’s current state as well as a roadmap for its improvement.

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Build Capacity Melissa Sines Build Capacity Melissa Sines

Understanding Organizational Needs of Grantees

A key part of Ford's BUILD grants is the Organizational Mapping Tool (OMT), an open-source assessment tool to help nonprofits identify and prioritize where they need strengthening as organizations. The tool is designed to provide clear qualitative markers of development, creating an assessment of an organization’s current state as well as a roadmap for its improvement.

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